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Hillshott Infant School and Nursery

Determined | Active | Respectful | Curious | Kind

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Community Projects

Generations Together

Reception children are involved in an exciting intergenerational project called ‘Generations Together’, a collaboration with North Herts District Council which recognises the benefits of bringing children and older people in the community together.
Children join older friends at Ernest Gardiner Centre once a month for a series of fun activities...

Eco Centre Visits - St Christopher School

St Christopher School invited children to share their wonderful Eco Centre.

This special experience included a meet and greet with alpacas and goats where children were allowed to feed and exercise the animals. They also had a close encounter with the small animals including rabbits, ducks, chinchillas, hamsters and sugar gliders.

Children had a fantastic time and we thank the staff at St Christopher school for sharing their amazing facilities with us.
