Reception - Swifts
Welcome to Reception - Swifts!
Welcome to Swift class! We are looking forward to sharing your learning and achievements with you.
Meet our team
Mrs Mountney is the Swift class teacher. Mrs Davis, Miss Moore (mornings) and Miss Brown (afternoons) are teaching assistants who all help in the Swift class. Miss Warmoth will be teaching in Swift class on a Friday afternoon.
- A reading book is sent home daily – please write a comment or sign the home school diary to show that you have read with your child each day. We change our books on Mondays. Please ensure that your child's book bag is in school each day.
- We do P.E on Tuesday afternoons and this is done outdoors whenever possible or in the school hall. Every child needs a full P.E. kit in school and a pair of trainers and /or plimsolls.
- Please ensure that all items of clothing are labelled and in particular school sweatshirts or cardigans. This will enable us to return the correct clothing to the correct child. You may need to re-write their name after a few weeks as they often fade in the washing machine.
Meet the Team

Our Learning Environment
A day in Reception
To begin our day, the children will come into the classroom hang up their coat and bag and wash their hands. Next, they find their photograph and place it on the 'Zones of Regulation' display to show how they are feeling. After register we sing the days of the week song, discuss the date and the weather and then count how many children are in class today. Then, the children take part in a whole class phonics session followed by a child-initiated learning time. After snack the children listen to the story of the week being read, join in with repeated refrains and discuss the story. This is followed by a short maths session and opportunities to consolidate this new learning are provided during child-initiated learning.
During the lunch hour, the children will be supported by mid-day supervisors and some of the reception staff, who help them with their lunch and encourage them to try new foods. After lunch, the children play in the outdoor learning environment and particularly enjoy using the climbing equipment.
The afternoon starts with a reading session, small groups of children will be heard read individually and the others will take part in a larger group guided reading session. This is followed by another period of child-initiated learning. At the end of the day, the children have a circle time session or a story before getting ready for home.
Medium Term Plans
Autumn 1 Phonics Overview
Phonics Workshop - 13th November 2024
Prime Areas Workshop - 9th October 2024
Harvest Song

Generations Together

Visiting the animals at St Christophers school

My Family

Our Learning

Your child will have an online learning journal through the Tapestry app. For guidance on how to use the app, please speak to Mrs Mountney, who can support you with: signing up, viewing observations and uploading observations from home. We would love for parents to contribute to the journals by uploading learning achievements from home! This could be from a club, new experiences or a skill that has been mastered at home!
Parent messages
Use the websites below to help your child with their home learning.
For lots of great ideas, games and practical activities in all areas of learning (including e-books)
For phonics games (they have a free login which will be valid for a short period of time)
For phonics games (phase 2 and 3 games)
For practical maths activities
For some great practical Literacy activities
For activities and different topic games
For practising sciences skills and engaging children in conversations (free to sign up)
For filtering results on any of these websites children in Reception are working at ‘EYFS’ stage or ‘Early Years