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Hillshott Infant School and Nursery

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Year 2 - Falcons


Welcome to Year 2 - Falcons!


Welcome to your class page. Miss Ireland is your class teacher and your teaching assistant is Miss Gibson. Mrs Lanni, Miss Trigg and Mrs Lalite will be supporting in our class too.



On this page you will find curriculum information for this half term and general information about our class.

Our Classroom

  • Our start time is 8.40am and we finish at 3:10pm.
  • You will take your reading book home every day and these will be changed every Monday. 
  • On a Friday, you will be sent home with spellings for you to learn; these will be tested the following Friday.
  • Homework is also given out on a Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday at the latest.
  • You will be able to take a story book from our library every Thursday. Please ensure books are returned so new books can be given.
  • Falcons have PE every Monday and Thursday.

New to Year 2 Workshop

Maths at Home Activity Pack

The "Family Maths toolkit" is to support families learning Maths together. It is full of ideas and activities to enjoy working through together to improve your Maths. Following the link below will take you to the toolkit. 

We hope you have lots of fun having a go at some of these activities.

Home Learning - Maths Methods

Year 2 Learning Links/Ideas

Useful websites

Collins Connect- Free books and reading comprehension


Literacy Shed -


Online books -


Numbots -


Alphablocks -


Number blocks -


BBC Bitesize -


Resources for everything -


Maths games -


Phonics games -


Joe Wicks -  5 Minute Home workout - Youtube


Science Max -  Science experiments for kids - Youtube




