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Hillshott Infant School and Nursery

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Assessment is the process through which teachers gather evidence and information to inform their future planning and your child's next steps in their learning. This is an ongoing process from tweaking lessons in the moment to adapt to children's needs, planning lessons, planning topics and making a yearly plan. 


By making accurate assessments through a systematic whole school approach we can ensure that your child has tailored next steps and makes good progress. 


  • We make 'baseline' assessments on entry. We understand that joining a new class can be overwhelming for children so ensure we speak with their previous teacher/setting, We use the 'Leuven' scales to ensure they have high 'wellbeing' before assessing them and seek support from external agencies of the SENDCO if necessary. 
  • Each term we assess your child based on their achievements that term. We then share this information with you through parents evening. We will also discuss ways in which you can support your child at home and explain your child's next steps. 
  • Some year groups have Statatory Assessment Requirements. 
    • Reception - Reception Baseline Assessment is an Assessment completed by the child's class teacher in the first 6 weeks of them starting school. This data is submitted and stored in the 'National Pupil Database' and is not made available to schools. This data is used to track progress of pupils from Reception to KS2.
    • Reception - The 'Foundation Stage Profile' is completed at the end of Reception and is an assessment made against the 17 'Early Learning Goals (ELG)'. For each ELG the children are assessed as either meeting the level of development (expected) or not yet reachung the level of development (emerging). 
    • Year 1  - Children sit the 'Phonics Screening Check'. This is a list of 40 words that the children read. The results of this check are shared with parents in the end of year report. Any children who do not pass will do the check again in Year 2. 
    • Year 2 - Children's attainment in reading, writing, maths and science is assessed as either 'working towards the expected standard', 'working at the expected standard' or 'working at greater depth within the expected standard'. These assessments are made through the end of KS1 tests (SATs) and teacher assessment. 


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)


In the Early Years we allow children time to settle into their new classes and routines and use the 'Leuven' scales to guide when we should assess the children. This is always done in the first half term and we ensure that your child is settled before assessing where they are working in the curriculum. Assessments are completed through play and practical adult led activities.  


Children's learning and achievements are captured using the 'Tapestry' online learning journal app. Parents can view their journals and upload learning from home by downloading the app to their own phones or tablets. 

Children are assessed against the 7 areas of learning, these are split into two categories Prime and Specific. 

Prime areas of learning:

*Personal, Social and Emotional Development

*Communication and Language

*Physical Development





*Expressive art and design

*Understanding of the World


For each of these areas, the children are assessed as either working at a 'pre-curriculum expectations for their year group', 'working towards the expectations for their year group', 'working at the expected standard for their year group' or 'working above the expected standard for their year group'.  These assessments are then used to inform the planning so that teaching can be carefully matched to the children’s abilities and needs.


Key Stage 1


From September 2014, children are assessed in relation to the expectations for their age. For every child we carefully consider whether they are working at 'pre-curriculum expectations for their year group', 'working towards the expectations for their year group', 'working at the expected standard for their year group' or 'working above the expected standard for their year group'. By regularly monitoring and tracking children’s progress, we ensure that anyone needing additional support is quickly identified so that interventions can be put into place, enabling children to meet or exceed their targets.  

