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Hillshott Infant School and Nursery

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Year 2 – Kestrels

Welcome to the Kestrels Class


Hello Everyone,

Mrs Pring (Mon, Tues and Weds AM) and Mrs Farr (Weds PM, Thurs and Fri) are our class teachers. Mrs Matthews (Mon-Thurs) and Mrs Mayhew (Fri) are our class TAs.


Mrs Lalite and Mrs Padgett work with us throughout the week either 1:1, in small groups or as a whole class. 

Miss Bozier, Mrs Carter and Miss Woodbridge work 1:1 or with small groups of children within our class and to provide interventions outside of the classroom. 


On this page you will find information about what we are learning, photos and other useful information about the Kestrels class.


  • Our start time is 8.40 and we finish at 3.10
  • Everyday you will take your reading book home to read to a grown up. It will be changed on Mondays and you can choose a library book on Thursdays.
  • Homework is given out on a Friday and is due on the following Wednesday.
  • Spellings are given out on a Friday too but don't have to be returned until Wednesday to give you time to learn. They will be tested on Friday.
  • Kestrels have PE every Monday and Wednesday

Kestrels classroom

This half term our topic is 'Lovely Letchworth'. We will be learning all about the unique place where we live! We will be using local maps and going on a local walk to explore the layout of Letchworth town centre. For our art learning we will focussing on our natural surroundings to make observational drawings and sculptures so if you have any pine cones, acorns, conkers etc it would be helpful if you could donate these to be used in class. At the end of the half term we will be learning about the importance of Black History month and celebrating diversity, difference and inclusion. 

See our medium term plan above for more information about our learning!

Useful websites for home learning

Literacy Shed -


Online books -


Numbots -


Alphablocks -


Number blocks -


BBC Bitesize -


Maths Whizz -


Resources for everything -


Times tables rockstars -


Maths games -


Phonics games -


Joe Wicks -  5 Minute Home workout - Youtube


Science Max -  Science experiments for kids - Youtube





At Hillshott Infant School and Nursery we follow the Penpals handwriting scheme. Our younger children are introduced to four main characters which help them to memorise the sequence for writing each letter correctly. The key thing to remember is that all letters start from the top apart - from d and e.

Pattern practice and play writing are an important part of handwriting development. Your child will be practising letter formation in a number of exciting ways: in sand, using paint, in the air, on the interactive screens and I pads, as well as on paper using a pencil!
