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Hillshott Infant School and Nursery

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Year 1 – Barn Owls


On this page you will find useful information about our school day and also what we are learning about. about each term.

The class teachers are Mrs Anthony (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs Northern (Thursday and Friday). Mrs Danks is our teaching assistant who is with us every day. Mrs Carter and  Mrs Padgett will also be helping us each week.

Our Classroom

Here are some key points of information

  • We open the classroom doors at 8:40am. 
  • Please bring your book bag into school everyday, with your reading book and reading record inside. We change the phonic reading books every Monday and Library books every Wednesday. Children then keep these books for the week.
  • We do PE twice a week, on a  Monday and a Thursday. These lessons are held outdoors whenever possible. Every child needs a full PE kit in school and a pair of trainers or plimsols. 
  • Homework is given out on Fridays and due in on Wednesdays. 
  • Spellings are given out on Fridays and collected the following Wednesday. 
  • Our school day finishes at 3:10pm


General Information


Above are links to documents which are always useful when supporting your child's writing. We have included a list of non-decodable words (tricky words) which are useful to practise reading by sight, as well as sound mats showing all the sounds we have been learning in Phonics lessons.


If I have any concerns or problems, who can I speak to? 

Your first point of call is your child's class teacher.  Please speak to them to arrange a mutually convenient time to have a discussion.  We ask that if you would like to speak to us at home time, please wait for the rest of the class to be dismissed so our full attention can be given. Parents evenings are held once a term for you to discuss your child's progress. 


At Hillshott Infant and Nursery School we follow the Penpals handwriting scheme.  Our younger children are introduced to the four main characters which help them to memorise the sequence for writing each letter correctly.  The key thing to remember is that almost all the letters start from the TOP, except d and e. 


Lots of activities support pencil control, including colouring, drawing, playdough, sand play, squeezing pegs, threading and many more!  This is why we provide a variety of activities to build up children's finger strength.  
