Nursery - Wrens
Welcome to our Nursery page!
Welcome to Hillshott Nursery, Wrens Class!
Miss Warmoth is our class teacher from Monday - Thursday. Mrs Turner is our teacher on Fridays. Miss Brown and Miss Croucher are teaching assistants who help us every day.
We are here to help so please come and see us if you have any questions.
Our Learning Environment
Our Nursery Day
When children come in at 8:30am or 12:10pm they hang their coat and bag on their peg. Children will be encouraged to find their photograph and place it on the 'Zones of Regulation' display to show how they are feeling, then sit on the carpet for a register and quick circle time or story.
We then go into our child initiated learning time where we explore the environment, interact with others and learn through play inside and outside. Our teacher and teaching assistants join in with our play to extend our learning and to challenge us.
We have snack time in the middle of the session (AM and PM), with opportunities to have some milk, water and fruit.
After some more child initiated learning time we tidy up and come to the carpet for a whole class session. We might do some counting, singing songs or read a story. We are learning how to follow instructions, sit and listen, and put our hands up if we want to say something.
This same structure is followed in the mornings and the afternoon. Our '30 hours' children stay for both sessions and bring a packed lunch.
Good to know
Children should have:
- A PE kit in school, including pumps or trainers
- A change of clothes in case of accidents
Children should bring with them each day:
- A named water bottle
- A coat suitable for the weather
- Their book bag
September 2023 (New Nursery Families)
What are we learning about this term?
Foundation for Phonics
Our Learning
Your child will have an online learning journal through the Tapestry app. For guidance of how to use this app please speak to Mrs Mountney who can support you with signing up, viewing observations and uploading observations from home.
We will add observations of your child including photographs and descriptions of what they have been doing at school. You will be able to access these via the app and add a comment if you'd like.
We would love for parents to contribute to the journals by uploading learning achievements from home. This could be from:
- A club (swimming, gymnastics, martial arts etc.)
- New experiences like visiting a farm or going on holiday
- A new skill that has been mastered at home
Maybe your child had a go at retelling the story we have been reading in class - you can upload videos too!